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Environmentalism and trade come together and collide

Published 16 August 2022

Four experts and journalists briefed NPF International Trade fellows on the difference between compliance and voluntary carbon markets, greenwashing versus green financing, and more.

Watch the webinar:

Compliance markets are created and regulated by mandatory national, regional, or international carbon reduction regimes, whereas voluntary markets enable companies and individuals to purchase carbon offsets voluntarily with no intended use for compliance, explained Genevieve Soh of Climate Impact X. For carbon markets to work well and to avoid greenwashing, it is important to ensure transparency and integrity in the process of approving carbon credits. Watch the video to understand the complexities of carbon markets and for answers to questions – do “green” projects harm biodiversity?; Is online shopping worse for carbon emissions? and more.

About the NPF International Trade Fellowship 2022

The National Press Foundation in collaboration with the Hinrich Foundation welcomed 22 Asia-based journalists to its International Trade Fellowship in Singapore last month. The five-day workshop, held at the Foundation’s offices in Singapore, touched on digital trade, trade agreements, and U.S.-China trade friction among other issues. The NPF International Trade Fellowship is part of an ongoing program of trade training for journalists and awards for trade coverage, sponsored by the Hinrich Foundation.