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Global trade trends to watch

Published 16 July 2024

Modern trade policies are intricately intertwined with national security issues, geopolitics, and economic growth, says Deborah Elms, Head of Trade Policy at the Hinrich Foundation.

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An increasingly protectionist environment in the US reflects its diminishing faith in global trade. Tariffs, sanctions under Section 301, and trade barriers on the grounds of national security have all gained momentum since Trump’s presidency. Hinrich Foundation Trade Policy Head Deborah Elms compared Trump’s trade policies with those of Biden, asserting that regardless of the outcome of upcoming presidential elections, the US is likely to maintain a protectionist stance. Meanwhile, Asia is experiencing deeper economic integration, driven by a rise in free trade agreements in the region. She also discussed the potential implications of a second Trump administration for the region.

About the NPF International Trade Fellowship 2024

The National Press Foundation holds an annual International Trade Fellowship workshop for journalists, sponsored by the Hinrich Foundation. This year, the Foundations welcomed 25 Asia-based journalists at the Hinrich Foundation’s office in Singapore. The sessions, held in June, focused on the impact of US presidential elections on trade, digitization of trade, Asia’s evolving role in global trade, and more.