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NPF webinar | Managing the New Cold War

Published 23 July 2020

The sixth briefing in the National Press Foundation's series of online trainings on global trade during coronavirus was titled "Managing the New Cold War". Dr. Alan Dupont, Senior Research Fellow at the Hinrich Foundation, was a featured speaker.

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The US-China trade war is expanding into a Cold War over trade, technology, and geopolitical influence. From rising tensions over Huawei, Hong Kong, and the treatment of the Uighurs to Chinese fighter jets buzzing Taiwan, the risks of escalation are rising.

The briefing explored how this increasingly bitter conflict can be managed, and how journalists can cover the deteriorating US-China relationship objectively during an intensely partisan election campaign season.

Speakers offered a global view of the situation. They included:

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  • Professor Jia Qingguo, Professor and former Dean of the School of International Studies of Peking University. He received his PhD from Cornell University in 1988. He is a member of the Standing Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
  • Ana Swanson, who writes about trade and international economics for the New York Times


This briefing is part of a series of National Press Foundation's online webinars on global trade issues in the era of the coronavirus. Check here for all past briefings. Trainings explored: