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NPF webinar | Trump, Biden, and the future of the WTO

Published 01 September 2020 | 5 minute read

The National Press Foundation is running a series of online trainings for journalists on covering global trade issues in the era of coronavirus. This seventh briefing, titled “Trump, Biden, and What’s Next for the WTO”, featured Editor-in-Chief of TradeVistas and former US trade official, Andrea Durkin.

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Do most Americans want to quit the World Trade Organization? Do Americans understand what the WTO does and fails to do? How are the Biden and Trump trade positions likely to play out on the campaign trail and translate into policy next year? What’s the latest on the leadership contest under way in Geneva to be the next head of the embattled WTO? And what do journalists need to know about this under-covered institution now that the US membership in the WTO threatens to become a 2020 election issue?

This briefing included three WTO and international trade experts:

  • Jennifer Hillman, senior fellow for trade and international political economy, Council on Foreign Relations, former WTO Appellate Body member and USTR Ambassador
  • Andrea Durkin, Founder of Sparkplug, LLC and former USTR negotiator
  • Bryce Baschuk, WTO reporter, Bloomberg News

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Andrea Durkin explained the foundations of the WTO and why it matters for American voters, and present new polling data on US attitudes toward the WTO. Jennifer Hillman discussed the trade policy stances of President Trump and Vice President Biden. Bryce Baschuk spoke from Geneva on the latest on the WTO leadership contest and what journalists need to know to cover the story.


This briefing is part of a series of National Press Foundation's online webinars on global trade issues in the era of the coronavirus. Check here for all past briefings. Trainings explored: