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Sustainable trade

Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific 2018

Published 07 May 2018 | 1 minute read

UNESCAP’s Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2018 provides recommendations to policymakers, civil society and academia on the current macroeconomic situation and trends in the region.

The 2018 report shows that despite sluggish global growth, economic growth performance in the Asia-Pacific region continues to improve. However, risks still remain. In the near-term, financial risks and protectionist trade measures weigh on the macroeconomic outlook. Medium-term challenges also persist, including lifting potential for economic growth and reducing poverty on a sustained basis in the region. In addition, while rapid technological advancements provide immense opportunities, technology also poses considerable challenges in terms of job polarization and income inequality in the region



The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) serves as the United Nations’ regional hub promoting cooperation among countries to achieve inclusive and sustainable development. 

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