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Trade and geopolitics

Priority recommendations for US-China trade negotiations

Published 28 January 2019 | 1 minute read

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Chamber of Commerce in China have released a report to share their views on the ongoing 90-day US-China trade negotiations. The report reflects the extensive inputs received from the members of both the organisation.

The report has recommended objectives that could guide the US negotiators. The three objectives are: Prioritise structural issues that restore fairness and open markets, eliminate all forms of forced technology transfer and address serious challenges in the regulation of the digital economy. The report expresses concerns regarding China’s long-standing intellectual property rights violations, forced technology transfer, and state intervention in the economy.

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The United States Chamber of Commerce is a business-oriented American lobbying group, advocating for pro-business policies that create jobs and grow the US economy. Key issues range from smart tax policy and regulatory relief to legal reform and trade promotion.

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Non-profit organization representing US companies and individuals doing business in China with chapters in Tianjin, Northeast and Central China.

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