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WTO reform and China: Defining or defiling the multilateral trading system?

Published 29 September 2021

This article discusses the launch of WTO reform led by key members who believe that existing rules are insufficient in dealing with the challenge of China.

Since its accession to the WTO in 2001, China has faced numerous criticism for flouting WTO rules. This comprehensive report by Henry Gao, Professor of Law at Singapore Management University, reviews the main issues of proposed WTO reforms which seek to address China’s unique economic system.

Tracing China’s history with the GATT and WTO, the paper closely examines the proposals from key leaders at the WTO, including the United States, the European Union, and China, and concludes with policy suggestions for the way forward.

Download WTO reform and China: Defining or defiling the multilateral trading system? by Henry Gao, first published in the Harvard International Law Journal, Volume 62 Special Issue, July 2021.

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Henry Gao

Henry Gao is Professor of Law at Singapore Management University and Dongfang Scholar Chair Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade.

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