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NPF webinar | Food security during COVID-19

Published 13 May 2020

Sponsored by the Hinrich Foundation, the National Press Foundation launched a webinar series on global trade during COVID-19. The first video briefing, "Where's our food?", was held on 13 May, 2020 and covers the issue of food supply chains and security.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive disruptions of food supply chains in the United States, although so far they are mainly temporary and not worthy of restrictions in American exports to China or other countries. Global supplies are plentiful, overall. While shortages or price spikes in any food tend to trigger outbreaks of economic nationalism and restrictions on food exports, data from the 2007-2009 recession show that such restrictions exacerbate the problem

Three experts spoke during an online briefing for the National Press Foundation soon after the US Department of Labor released statistics showing that food prices rose 2.6% in April 2020 even as overall US consumer prices dropped by 0.8%, the most since the Great Recession.

Speakers included: